Our Classes


This class teaches a way of using the body through core strength and flexibility whilst increasing postural awareness. You will learn the basic principles of exercises upon which the entire pilates method is built. Pilates will correct muscle imbalances creating a healthier back, a stronger core and a longer streamlined body. This class also involves the use of prop to encourage challenge and variety.

Yoga Flow

Through the blend of both yoga and pilates practices, this class enhances both mental and physical development. It involves the combined calming yoga poses and the strength training exercises of pilates. By stretching and strengthening all the major muscle groups, both the body and mind will feel driven, yet calm and rejuvenated.

Pilates Reformer

This is the most effective versatile piece of equipment used in Pilates. The Reformer can train so many dynamics and body parts in so many different ways, through the usage of the springs that help provide the choice of resistance and strength whether needed for that great workout or as a great rehab tool. Exercising on the Reformer requires proper form and technique, therefore with improved alignment your muscles will strengthen to improve spinal support and stability of your core and your improved posture will help lengthen your joints and any muscle imbalances corrected too. Plus it’s great fun!

Cardio Pilates

This is a heart rate boosting cardiovascular workout. By integrating fat burning high intensity moves together with infused pilates conditioning exercises it will deliver a routine that will improve cardio health making one feel stronger and filled with an empowering release of energy.

Pilates Barre

This vigorous workout combining Pilates principles, ballet barre and light resistance training, will tone, sculpt, strengthen and lengthen your muscles. It will make you feel energised, and uplifted, it will increase your stamina and we guarantee a workout with fast calorie burning results.

Yoga Balance

Yoga/Balance is the Yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates workout that builds flexibility and strength and leaves you feeling centered and calm. Controlled breathing, concentration and a carefully structured series of stretches, moves and poses to music create a holistic workout that brings the body into a state of harmony and balance. This class enhances both mental and physical development; both the body and mind will feel driven, yet calm and rejuvenated.